Monday, September 3, 2007


^^first of ol ! wAnt tO thAnk mY fr!ends 4 helP!ng me...,Thnx 4 d!s wonDerFul term,^^

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Yes!! tapos na ang term!!,,kitakits next term!!!!!!!love yah....Hi Mam Joanne,thanks po for teaching us all the values that we need.Sana po kayo ulit prof.,nmin next term.

Love lots,
essia nd icy

"Ninth and Tenth Meeting"

I have an experience,about this.My friends want me to take ciggarettes.But I refuse to used,because I know that it is bad to my health.And when they want me to take this,I'am so shocked because I dont know that they take ciggarettes.When I decide this I fell good and comfortable with my decision.In addition, I learned that being yourself or following your own decision,is one of the good things when you encounter a situation like this.

"Eight Meeting"

The challenge that I've take is returning excess change.And I able to do this,and I feel good.After this I realized that everyone of us must do this thing,because if we do this, there were blessings that would come to you.And if not,there were bad things that will happened to you.So that we must realized this.okie...

"Seventh Meeting"

After having my physical assessment,I plan to focus myself to those assessment that I have been failed.To help save our environment,I will help to clean our surroundings and plant trees.After watching the film "An Unconvenient Truth",I realized that there were many persons who sacrifice,because of the bad wheather.And many animals died,because they dont have habbitat to live.In this film I feel so lonely and sad.

"Sixth Meeting"

In the past few days Ichallenge myself to do and be excellent in my study. And I learn that doing this is a good characteristics, because it helps me to challenge myself to be independent. The most good thing is I learn by myself that could help me in the future.And while I'm doing this I proved that I can do this without the help of my cousisn and friends.

"Fifth Meeting"

The most challenging thing that I make was when I play a guitar infront of the class and sing with confidence in my self .In this challenge I play and sing my composed song "PANGARAP",and I'am happy because I try my best even though I'm a shy person.Futhermore I want to experience a lot of this so that I can improved my talent.

"Fourth Meeting"

It means that do not treat others bad so that they will not treat you the way you treat them. And if I make a mistake I would like them to give me chance to explain why I did those things, and I dont want others to tell me to do things I dont want to do. But if it is good for me and for them, why not.

"Third Meeting"

The two values that I made are being responsible and being honest. The experience I made was doing my assigned task by my self and helping my parents and saying the truth to them,. In the freshman night I enjoyed being with those bands, and I will never ever trade that experience. That day I feel so energetic and happy. The first one to perform was the Mom's Cake they're great and has a sense of humor. The 2nd one was the Callalily and I dont like their songs and their attitude, the last one to perform was the Chicosci they perform well and I like their song Seven Black Roses.

"Second Meeting"

I adjust to my college life by listening and studying, and the adjustments I had to make are #1. I must learn to manage my time and schedule, 2. and learn to be friendly, 3. and wake up early so I wont be late.. :)

"First Meeting"

It helps me to be more responsible, and a well oriented person. My cousin and I went to our first class that day, and it was our IT class with our professor Sir Par, we introduce ourselves one by one and I met Ate Leslie, after that we went to the cafeteria and have some snacks, then we went home. :)